聞いたことがありますか 振動フィーダー? A device that is used to transfer parts so they can be easily manipulated, it has a conveyor system. It involves a spinning bowl with an internal spiral track that aligns components. The spiral track on the bowl causes parts to travel up as the bowl rotates, and eventually discharge from the center exit overtop of a large pickup pan where they can be routed for additional processing.
回転式振動部品フィーダーは、多くの部品を非常に高速かつ効率的に処理する方法です。さまざまなサイズの部品を交互に処理できます。小さい部品、中くらいの部品、大きい部品などです。さらに、これらの機械は安全な流れを備えており、細かい部品を損傷することなく処理できます。これは、一部の部品が弱く、特別な取り扱いが必要なため不可欠です。 石灰石ロータリーキル、速度低下に直面することはなく、生産ラインの生産性を確保できます。
If you can just making parts, you need to do everything exactly right,6775opencv Note that the out. aim would be a binary image which will be used for applications where monochromatic object tracking is needed. The key is to ensure all parts are dealt with in the exact same manner so they meet quality standards and thus are perfect. Rotary vibratory feeders are ideal for this undertaking. Their purpose is to automatically feed parts which enables the material to be conducted with consistency towards the processing area.
ボウルの リニア振動フィーダー 内部には螺旋状のトラックがあり、部品の正しい向きを維持するのに役立ちます。これは、各部品が同じように扱われることを意味し、そのような前提により、すべての部品にわたって一貫した品質レベルが保証されるはずです。これらのマシンのもう 1 つの優れた点は、調整とセットアップが簡単なことです。つまり、設定をすばやく変更できるため、時間を無駄にすることなく、望ましい結果が得られます。
製造ラインからより良い、正確な結果を得たいのであれば、 石灰ロータリーキル まさにあなたが探しているものです。この機械は非常に効率的で、何百もの部品を同時に処理できます。また、部品を素早く処理するため、これまでよりも迅速に完成品を生産できます。
company has focused on program design, engineering design, special equipment supply as well as installation and commissioning training of employees, oven services, furnace start-up, production reaching of energy-saving and green lime shaft kiln. company has built activated rotary vibratory feederwith various sizes such as 150m3, 170m3, 250m3, 350m3, etc. kilns were opened successfully had remarkable effect! Utilizing advanced technology of coke lime shaft kiln the gas-burning lime shaft furnace has been developed, and agreements for design have been concluded with numerous companies.
AGICO owns rotary vibratory feeder technical staff, with focus on EPC turnkey projects, covering design, manufacture installation, as well as debugging and maintenance, other services. AGICO provides comprehensive pre-sales, after-sales after-sales services, offering full technical support to meet requirements customers.
Over past 20 years, have been committed the research, development design, manufacturing rotary vibratory feedera lime kilns and its environmental protection fully automated, low investments, a low consumption energy, etc. The lime kiln we use has long-lasting service life you can trust us because of our perfect service and high-quality lime Kiln.
For long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming a complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making energy-saving and environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. technology is rotary vibratory feederby are low-cost investment, a superior levels of automation, top product quality, minimal usage energy, long service life of the furnace, environmental protection. is widely used in the metallurgy sector as well as non-ferrous metals chemicals building materials, various industries, as well as deep processing industries.