Cement International Engineering is selling an electric roller mill which you can use to easily and speedily grind grains. Had enough of grinding grain the old fashioned way. Tired that it takes too much time, and too much effort? For those who do not have access or cannot afford a grain mill, grinding your own wheat can be backbreaking work. With our electric roller mill, grinding your own grain for baking and cooking can be made a lot easier — it is meant to speed things up so that you can get back at creating something delicious with minimal effort.
穀物を挽くための当社の電動ローラーミルの利点の 1 つは、すでに簡単に崩れてしまうものを挽くために労力とリソースを費やす必要がないことです。この素晴らしい機械を使用すると、はるかに少ない労力と時間で穀物を挽くことができます。内部の強力な電動モーターの助けを借りて高速に動作し、短時間で大量の小麦粉を提供します。カップに小さなスクープでいっぱいになるだけで、料理やベーキングがどれだけ便利になるか考えてみてください。電動ローラーミルは設置と使用も簡単なので、誰にとっても穀物を挽くのに非常に便利です。
いつでも完璧なグラインドを期待できます。 バケットコンベア販売このマシンは、穀物を均一かつ効率的に挽くために特別に作られています。独自のローラー システムにより、すべての穀物が均等に粉砕されます。これにより、あらゆる種類の料理やベーキングに適した、柔らかく均一な食感が得られます。定期的に少し挽くだけで、料理の風味がどれだけ増すかに驚かれることでしょう。
For long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making energy-saving and environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. It has advantages of low investment, high levels of automation, top product quality, low usage energy, long service lifespan of furnace environmental protection. has been widely used in metallurgy, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, electric roller mill for salematerials, as well as other sectors, such as deep processing as well as other industries.
AGICO home to skilled technical team, specializing in EPC turnkey projects, which include design, electric roller mill for sale, installation, debugging, maintenance, as well as other services. AGICO offers full range of on-sales pre-sales services in addition to after-sales technical support.
Since over 20 years have been dedicated electric roller mill for saleresearch, design manufacturing installation lime-kiln. is full-automatic with the lowest cost f investment. e are trusted for high-quality and perfect service, and long-lasting lime Kiln.
company has focused on the design engineering design, special equipment delivery, installation electric roller mill for sale, personnel training, oven services, furnace start-up, and production reaching energy efficient environmentally friendly lime shaft kiln. We have built successively activated lime shaft kilns with volumes of 150m3,170m3 200m3, 250m3 350m3 500m3, etc. These then successfully opened and effect was impressive! The gas-burning furnace was created by using the technology that had matured in the coke lime shaft. Design contracts were concluded with several companies.