Do you know about the significance of sand for construction? Sand is a major component of the construction materials we use to build buildings, streets and various other kinds of infrastructure. But using sand that is not clean and filthy can result in building failing, collapsing structures that are not reliable. Therefore, Cement International Engineering developed a kind of machine with a special name — vibrating sieve. This type of machine is planned to make sure that the sand you use is top quality.
You can get the best from of sand if you have this machinery so order it now at Cement International Engineering. It doesn't matter if your project is large or small, our range of vibrating sieve machines are designed to work for all sizes of the projects. Whether your are erecting your own small house or a large building our excavators are prepared for everything!
Generelt er vores maskiner meget brugervenlige og ret enkle at konfigurere. Så det betyder, at dit team kan blive ved med at rense tonsvis af sand på én gang uden at falde kvalitetsniveauet. Du behøver ikke at være bekymret for at bruge masser af tid på at få sandet forberedt til dine projekter. Du er bare givet til at udvikle dig og som man siger gør det godt.
Rengøring af sand har aldrig været så let takket være vores nye vibrerende sigteteknologi! De enkelte dele af vores maskiner er specialdele, som gør maskinerne hurtigere og bedre end helheden, som de er udviklet fra. Det betyder, at dit sand er klar i mindre fylde, og det er fantastiske nyheder for et byggefirma med arbejdsstyrken, der altid venter på dig.
Vores maskiner kan også udvælge alle de ting, du ikke vil have i dit sand! Disse små urenheder vil påvirke kvaliteten af sandet negativt, og det vil vi ikke lide. Du kan stole på kvaliteten af det sand, du bruger, med vores vibrerende sigtemaskiner. Dette har hjulpet med at undgå problemer, mens du bruger sand af lav kvalitet til byggeformål.
Vi har kraftige motorer og patenteret vibrationsteknologi. Og en lignende blandingsmuligheder finder mere høj kvalitet, mange Hoosier sliber oprydningen hurtigt og effektivt i endnu større volumen. Som et resultat kan du hurtigere modtage det sand, du har brug for, og dermed hjælpe dit projekt med at afslutte tidligere. Vores maskineri giver dig mulighed for at forkorte dine deadlines, samtidig med at du sparer mange penge, samtidig med at du garanterer bygningskvalitetstjek.
Sand er et meget vigtigt materiale i byggeriet til at producere solide bygninger eller strukturer. Men når sandet ikke bliver renset ordentligt af, kan det potentielt betyde svage bygninger og sikkerhedsproblemer, som vi ikke ønsker. Ved hjælp af Cement International Engineering vibrerende sigtemaskine kan du hurtigt rense sand og kvaliteten af det bliver optimal.
For long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making the energy-saving and environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. has advantages low sand vibrating sieve machine, high levels of automation, top product quality, low power consumption, long time of furnace as well as environmental protection. has been widely used in metallurgy and non-ferrous chemical industries, metals, building materials other industries, deep processing industries other industries.
Over past 20 years, have been committed to development, research of sand vibrating sieve machine, production installation lime kilns its environmental protection and fully-automatic. It also low expenditure, low energy consumption so on. We are dependable for our top-quality and flawless service, and long-lasting lime Kiln.
AGICO home to skilled technical team, specializing in EPC turnkey projects, which include design, sand vibrating sieve machine, installation, debugging, maintenance, as well as other services. AGICO offers full range of on-sales pre-sales services in addition to after-sales technical support.
company has mostly undertaken design and engineering design, the provision special equipment installation and commissioning, training employees, oven services including furnace start-up and production reaching of the energy-saving green lime shaft kiln. company has built activated kilns in sand vibrating sieve machinesizes which include 150m3, 170m3, 250m3,350m3, etc. These opened successfully and had remarkable effect! gas-burning kiln was constructed by using the technology that had been developed in the coke limestone shaft. Design contracts concluded with several companies.