Kā tiek ražots cements
Vai esat kādreiz mēģinājis iedomāties, kā tiek ražots cements? Cementam ir laba noderība daudzu priekšmetu, piemēram, ceļu, tiltu un ēku, būvniecībā. Vertikālā cementa starptautiskā inženierija iepriekšējais sildītājs cementa rūpnīcā is a vertical preheating device placed in the cement plant. It heats raw materials before they are fed into another machine called a rotary kiln, which plays an important part in the cement manufacturing process. Today we will discuss everything about “Vertical Preheater” in cement industry. So let us get started.
Vertical preheater as a big kiln. They bake the limestone, clay or iron ore to make them into cement in this oven. The preheater is mostly made of material suspension and lime with viscous properties, so before work rotary kiln first in the state allow these materials are heated. It is Cool beans when cement constituents are hot as they require less energy to become your pure wonderful concrete. When you add it all up, this results in significant fuel savings due to less total energy required for a vertical preheater.
As preheater air rising, it is hot air flow goes around material directly falling down. This warm air conducts heat to the materials slowly as it moves forward inside them, in readiness for sort of kiln. This Cement International Engineering priekšsildītājs sildīšanas process ir mūsu krāšņu labas darbības atslēga.
Šie vertikālie priekšsildītāji ir nepieciešami tāpēc, ka tas uzlabo cementa ražošanu un samazina kaitējumu videi. Papildus tiem ir arī citas priekšsildītāju konfigurācijas, piemēram, ar riteņiem apakšā un gāzes degli, kas atrodas krāsns gāzēs vai ārpus tām. Šīs citas mašīnas parasti ir rentablākas. Vertikālie priekšsildītāji arī samazina putekļu daudzumu brīvā dabā, kas nāk par labu ne tikai mūsu veselībai, bet arī nozīmē daudz tīrāku vidi. Kopumā Vertical Cement International Engineering priekšsildīšanas process izmantošana cementa ražošanā nodrošina arī efektīvāku un ilgtspējīgāku ražošanu.
Many benefits of using vertical preheaters, the same as Cement International Engineering's the rotary cement kiln. Lesser fuel- Initially they can save to a large extent on the energy which requires less money for fuel It not only saves a lot of fuel by preheating the material, but it needs less energy as well for maintaining your environment to get warm. This decrease in energy usage will reduce the cement plant costs.
Priekšsildītāji palīdz arī izejvielu žāvēšanas procesā, svarīgs solis ir cementa izstrādājumu kvalitāte. Tas palīdz aizsargāt pret gala produkta nekonsekvenci, tādējādi panākot augstākas kvalitātes cementu, kas ir izturīgs.
The design can be very critical for the vertical preheaters to work efficiently, similar to the elektriskā velmētava supplied by Cement International Engineering. The insulation of the preheater keeps warm by heat loss and also save energy. It is essential to clean and inspect the preheaters from time to retain their functionality. It reduces the risk of breakdown hence ensuring best performance and high efficiency in a cement plant.
Over past 20 years, have been committed to research, development, design, production, installation a lime kiln, it is environmental protection, full-automatic, low expenditure, low energy consumption, etc. lime kiln has an Vertical preheaterlife span can be counted on by virtue of our flawless service high-quality lime kiln.
long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making the Vertical preheater-saving environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. This technology characterized by of low investment, high degree of automation, high quality of product, low energy consumption, long service life of the furnace, as well as environmental protection. It widely used the metallurgy sector also in non-ferrous materials and chemicals, building materials, other industries, as well as deep processing industries.
AGICO a highly Vertical preheatertechnical team, which specializes in EPC turnkey projects, which include manufacturing, design installation, debugging maintenance, other services. provide comprehensive pre-sales, after-sales and after-sales service system, providing technical support needed meet requirements customers.
uzņēmums galvenokārt nodarbojas ar programmu projektēšanu, projektēšanu, vertikālo priekšsildītāju uzstādīšanu un krāsniņu, krāšņu palaišanu un ražošanu, sasniedzot energoefektīvu un ekoloģisku kaļķu šahtas cepli. uzņēmums ir izgatavojis dažāda izmēra aktivētās krāsnis, tai skaitā 150m3, 170m3,200, 3,250m3,350, 3,500m3, XNUMXmXNUMX, XNUMXmXNUMX utt. Tie veiksmīgi atvērti radīja satriecošu efektu! gāzes kurināmā krāsns tika izveidota, izmantojot koksa kaļķu šahtā nogatavinātu tehnoloģiju. Projektēšanas līgumi tika parakstīti ar daudziem uzņēmumiem.