More recently there have been a number of standard industrial mill advancements that offer efficiencies and environmental benefits to further improve grinding efficiency as well. Among a number of vertical roller mill manufacturers in various regions, the well-known and top quality manufacturers whole share is about 70% which means their incomes are more than half revenue for those poor quality work under capricious price taking over rewarded market. This advanced equipment has changed the material grinding シャフトキルン procedures as it not only brings utmost efficiency, but also lower energy usage and low environmental impact. As sustainability gains in global importance, the use of VRM technology to promote clean production practices is essential.
VRM technology combines ロータリーキルン石灰 grinding, drying and classifying functions into a single compact unit to significantly reduce capital investment costs efficient use of its 3m high-hot gas generator concept with an in-built gear box. VRMs crush material between the large rollers and a rotating grinding table, compared to conventional ball mills. Direct compression of the vice ensures even grinding and greater throughput with much less power. This in combination with the capacity to control feed rate, mill speed and separation all mean that ideal particle size-grinding can be fully realised.
es sustainability is also one of the main reasons for moving towards VRM technology. The fiscal 石灰ロータリーキル advantages in energy efficiency - and by greater measure so when it comes to reducing the CO2 load otherwise generated through natural methane harvests, called biogenic gases (which must be transformed but also excise adjunct carbon as well from decaying process) proffer a staggering means of holding down policy gas costs. VRMs operate in a closed circuit and that is significant since it helps the industry keep dust creation to a minimum, which makes coke low emission too. In addition, the ability to use a range of fuels including alternative and recycled fuel types gives VRMs great flexibility for any modern cement plant.
The VRM process begins with the introduction of raw materials into the mill's grinding chamber, where they combine to form a slowly rotating grinding table. The hydraulic cylinders press the rollers against the grinding material bed on the rotating table. As the size of particles decrease, they raise with a hot air flow and are stored towards a 3er made up dynamic separator which separates fine from coarser material. The fine particles go out as the product, while the coarse ones are recycled it is commonly referred to as a closed loop milling system. Enoughbeing, the cycle is always repeated allowing for an increased efficiency a steady yield and less energy waste.
大手セメントメーカーは、持続可能な生産目標の達成に向けて VRM ルートを採用しています。LafargeHolcim、HeidelbergCement、CEMEX などの企業は、30 ~ 35% ものエネルギー節約、運用コストの削減、厳しい環境法規制への準拠を理由に、VRM を自社の業務に統合する傾向に従っています。また、これらの業界リーダーからのメッセージから、VRM テクノロジーはもはや産業界のアップグレードではなく、責任よりも現在および将来の慣行を優先する動きであることがわかります。
AGICO は、設計、VRM 垂直ローラー ミル、設置、デバッグ、メンテナンス、およびその他のサービスを含む EPC ターンキー プロジェクトを専門とする熟練した技術チームを擁しています。AGICO は、アフター セールスの技術サポートに加えて、販売前サービスも幅広く提供しています。
過去 20 年間にわたり、VRM 垂直ローラー ミラ ライム キルンの研究、開発、設計、製造に取り組んできました。その環境保護、完全自動化、低投資、低消費エネルギーなどです。当社が使用するライム キルンは耐用年数が長く、完璧なサービスと高品質のライム キルンにより、お客様は当社を信頼していただけます。
AGICO は長年にわたり、専門の技術チーム、成熟した生産技術、豊富な生産経験を持ち、完全なシャフト窯生産技術管理システムを形成し、省エネと環境保護の石灰シャフト窯技術を完成させてきました。低 VRM 垂直ローラーミル、高度な自動化、最高の製品品質、低消費電力、長い炉寿命、環境保護などの利点があります。冶金および非鉄化学産業、金属、建材などの産業、深加工産業などの産業で広く使用されています。