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Magnetisk føder

It is essential for companies to manage their materials efficiently during the design of a new product. Magnetic feeders are a superb solution to this problem. The main parts to be performed are the move of materials as and when they are required for manufacturing or construction with moving magnets. Which they do quickly and accurately, improving the quality of the end product. Cement International Engineering designs and produces feeder vibration to enhance the production process for other industrial groups.

Precision feeding with magnetic technology

Den bedste del af vibrerende foderautomater is that they were able to deliver the exact amount of materials needed for production. They are very small or fine, and the magnets make them control how materials flow. That way, companies can source exactly quantity and quality of material they need without generating any waste. Magnetic feeders are easily designed to suit the varying needs of companies and their unique materials. This specialization makes it possible for every company to obtain the optimal results for its production processes.

Why choose Cement International Engineering Magnetic feeder?

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