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Suspension preheater

Agar shunday bo'lsa, men sizga o'ylaymanki, o'tgan yili biz faqat tsement ishlab chiqarishdan 4 milliard tonnadan ortiq CO2 emissiyasiga javobgar bo'lar edik. Baland imoratlar, mustahkam ko‘priklar, ravon yo‘llar kabi inshootlarni qurish uchun sement deb ataladigan qurilish materialidan foydalanamiz. Issiqlik tsement ishlab chiqarishning muhim jihati hisoblanadi. Xom ashyoni (masalan, ohaktosh) biz tsement deb biladigan mahsulotga aylantirish uchun issiqlik talab qilinadi. 

ning muhim xususiyati oldindan isituvchi tsement ishlab chiqarishda uning energiya tejovchi sifati hisoblanadi. Non aralashtirgich sifatida ham tanilgan tsement aralashtirish idishida ko'plab o'tkir pichoqlar mavjud. Ushbu rasmda u birinchi marta sayqallanmoqda va bu odam katta nonning etuklikka asos bo'lgan pechka xonasiga kirgan yagona vaqtlardan biri bo'ladi. Bunday oldindan qizdirish bilan materiallarni o'choq ichida isitish uchun ko'p energiya talab qilinmaydi.

Suspension Preheater texnologiyasi bilan energiya sarfini kamaytirish

Shunday qilib, bu hamma narsa yaxshi yugurishini kafolatlaydigan bosqichma-bosqich jarayondir. The ohakning kalsinlanishi is essentially an extension of a dry process plant in which material passes from the top to the second stage by entrainment, and then to the bottom with aid of flue gas – improving stockpile throughput and preventing mistakes or delays that would otherwise formulate during cement production. This leads to a consistent and efficient cement production. 

The suspension preheater is also crucial for ensuring a high quality of cement. It employs materials that rapidly respond to temperature changes at every stage and makes multiple repeated adjustments to temperature and materials flow in the machine. It is important as this makes sure that the materials are heated uniformly which leads to perfect confirmation of the cement.

Why choose Cement International Engineering Suspension preheater?

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