Šajā epizodē mēs iepazīstināsim ar unikālu iekārtu, kas ir vibrācijas atdalīšanas iekārta! Šo mašīnu ražo uzņēmums Cement International Engineering. Tas ir izveidots, lai palīdzētu mums ātri un efektīvi apstrādāt dažādus materiālus.
Tajā ir norādīta arī ļoti noderīga iekārta. Vibrācijas atdalīšanas iekārta kārto lietas līdzīgā veidā un dara to ātri un efektīvi. Tas izmanto būtībā tādas pašas spēcīgas vibrācijas, par kurām tikko lasījāt, lai brīvi sakrata priekšmetus, tādējādi ļaujot tos sadalīt dažādās kaudzēs. Tas ir liels siets, kas ir tik stiprs, ka var turēt kopā vairākas lietas. Tas ietaupa jums tik daudz laika un problēmu ar šķirošanu!
The Vibration Separator Machine is large and ruggedly constructed for an extended life. Which appears to be a very big box filled with cables and panels. When this machine is turned on, it vibrates the items to get them all separated. It does produce very powerful vibrations, but do not be scared! The machine that manages to withstand the strongest of shakes.
Tirpšanas tīrīšanas līdzeklis ir būtisks šīs iekārtas elements, kas pazīstams kā vibrācijas atdalītājs. Šī ir daļa, kurā jūs darāt visu darbu! Vibrācijas atdalītājs satricina priekšmetus visapkārt un atdala tos pa grupām. Bet tai ir spēks caur enerģiskām vibrācijām pārvietot visu, lai tie nonāk sakārtotos veidojumos.
Iestatiet pareizo veidu: tas nozīmē, ka jūsu izmantotā iekārta ir jāiestata atbilstoši tam, ko jūs šķirojat. Pielāgojiet iestatījumu, pamatojoties uz to; dažādiem materiāliem, piemēram, akmeņiem, netīrumiem vai smiltīm, var būt nepieciešami dažādi iestatījumi. Izvēloties pareizo izvēli, iekārta darbojas efektīvi.
Šīs iekārtas uzturēšana: iekārtai ir jākrata pareizi. Tātad, ja tā krata nedaudz par daudz vai nepietiekami, tas var izjaukt. Šī iemesla dēļ rūpīga mašīnas kopšana un periodiska apkope ir ļoti svarīga, lai to varētu mierīgi lietot.
Sort Clean Items:kaļķakmens pārstrādes rūpnīca It goes without saying but always make sure to have your items clean and free from any crumbs. With large rocks, sticks, and other debris in the mix they can become lodged in the machine and cause everything to come crashing down. When everything is clean, the machine works much better.
over 20 years, we've been devoted development, research, design, production, installation of lime kiln which is a green kiln and fully-automatic. is also low investments, a low vibration separator machineenergy and more. can be trusted for our top-quality flawless service, as well as long-lasting lime kiln.
company has mainly undertaken the engineering design program design, the provision of special equipment as well as installation and commissioning employee training, oven service starting up furnaces, as well as vibration separator machinereaching of energy-saving environmentally friendly lime shaft kiln. company has constructed activated kilns various volumes which include 150m3, 170m3, 250m3,350m3, etc. successfully opened produced stunning effect! Utilizing the advanced technology of coke lime shaft kiln, the gas-burning lime shaft kiln has been designed, and contract agreements have been signed with variety of companies.
AGICO a professional technical team, which vibration separator machinein EPC turnkey projects, which include the design, manufacture installation, as well as debugging maintenance, other services. AGICO offers full range pre-sales as well as -sales service addition after-sales technical assistance.
long time, AGICO has had professional technical team, mature production technology, rich production experience, forming complete set shaft kiln production technology management systems, making the vibration separator machine-saving environmental-protective lime shaft kiln technology perfect. This technology characterized by of low investment, high degree of automation, high quality of product, low energy consumption, long service life of the furnace, as well as environmental protection. It widely used the metallurgy sector also in non-ferrous materials and chemicals, building materials, other industries, as well as deep processing industries.