
Indirect fired rotary kiln

Indirect fired rotary kilns are interesting machines because they help to heat material. Cement International Engineering ເຕົາເຜົາ rotary are widely employed in various industrial processes to produce new products or, to facilitate the right chemical reactions. Indirect fired rotary kilns do not touch the product of combustion. Instead, the outside is heated by a furnace allowing for safer and more controlled heating.


In material processing, production can include such diverse products as cement and lime (rotary kilns for the dehydration of limestone) or alumina. These are essentially necessary for products where one needs to achieve high-temperature. They are, for instance, involved in the making of ceramics and play a role in processes where large amounts of heat is required.

Applications across industries

These kilns are important for cement producing industry to manufacture a product known as clinker. It is one of the main ingredients for cement after grinding further. Cement International Engineering ໂຮງງານ rotary kiln are used primarily in the production of lime, but can also be used for cement, magnesite and other materials. This process turns limestone into either quicklime or calcium oxide, which is extremely versatile and effective. It is used in steelmaking and to clean water, among other things, as well as to generate fertilizers for plants.


There are a variety of reasons why one would want to purchase an indirect fired rotary kiln. When choosing a heating method, the most important factor is the material you are going to be heating. Certain types of materials can only be melted at certain temperatures and so on. For example, some materials can be heated at very high temperatures while others need a low heat source.

Why choose Cement International Engineering Indirect fired rotary kiln?


